Whether you are a recreational player or a professional e-athlete, there are several visual skills that can be enhanced to give you a competitive edge. Contact our office about our Sports Vision Enhancement Program. Here are a few things you can do on your own to help your gaming.
WIth COVID pushing more folks to working from home and kiddos to online learning, have you thought about blue light blocking glasses and anti-fatigue lenses?
Here’s what you need to know about the process of a contact lens fitting.
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn." We are turning and looking ahead. Cheers to Two Years! Thank you Summit County for all the support!
In this Post-COVID world, is your new face mask fogging your glasses? What can you do?
Do you ever wonder what happens to your donated glasses? They may find themselves halfway around the world, giving sight to someone that truly needs it.
RightEye is an eye-tracking system that diagnoses brain and functional vision problems. The first of its kind, this system provides people with countless benefits. Let’s go over some of the reasons that you should try the RightEye vision tracking system.
2020 is the year of Vision......and the year of bad eye jokes. But when was the last time you had your eyes checked??
It’s not uncommon for people to be a little apprehensive when scheduling a comprehensive eye exam. For some people, they may have never had an eye exam before, and for others, it’s been years since their last one. To better prepare you for your exam, we would like to discuss the ins and outs of the process. At Blue River Vision, we believe that the more our patients know what to expect, the more comfortable they are!