Happy Mother's Day

Abraham Lincoln said "All I am, all I hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."  That has been the case in my life as well.  My mother was a strong woman that taught me how to love and how to care for other people.  She taught me that I can be anyone I want to be and that I can make my life anything that I want it to be, if I am willing to put in the effort.  Blue River Vision is a product of the love and support of many people in my life, but especially my mother.  Her support helped me to believe that running my own business was not just possible, but what I needed to be able to provide the type of eye care that I believed in, one that is patient focused and transparent.

This Mother's Day, I asked our staff and patients to answer the question:  "Through my eyes, my Mom is . . . . "  Here is what they had to say:

I figured I would start:  Though my eyes, my mother . . . . is the most amazing person I know.  She is strong and independent.  She is the rock for my family.  She worries for all of us, but is there to lean on and listen whenever we need.  She made me and shaped me into the person I am today.  As much as I wish she were closer and that I could see her everyday, she pushed me to live my dreams and to form my own life.  The woman I became and the success I have, I owe to her, my quiet strength.  --Dr J

Through my eyes, my mother is . . . a beautiful warrior.  She never gives up on anything or anyone.  She carries a big warm heart that she passed on to her children.  Being the kind woman she is, she never lets anyone down and is always there to help friends and family.  I love and appreciate her more than words can say.  --SG

Through my eyes, my mother is. . . . strong, selfless, ever-loving, and always right.  The wisdom and lessons she has taught me has made me the person I am today.....and if I always listened, I would likely be even better.  Always listen to your mom!  --LH

Through my eyes, my mom is . . . a hard act to follow.  She is a very determined woman that always finds a way to get the things done that need to be done.  She has a knack for seeing what needs to be accomplished and addressing it before it becomes an issue.  She is a hard act to follow.  --JS

Through my eyes, my mother is . . . a wonderful, kindhearted individual.  She leads with her heart, caring so much for the people in her life and the people around her.  She always believes in the best of everyone, no matter what they have done and no matter what their past is.  She has such a beautiful soul and is the person that I always aspire to be.  --KH

Happy Mother's Day from Blue River Vision!

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